CeaseFirePA / Moms Against Illegal Guns
Gun violence and the use of illegal guns to destroy the lives of innocent people has been a priority issue for Lynne Honickman for the last several years. Independent of the Honickman Foundation, Lynne started a campaign in 2007 called Moms Against Illegal Guns, which advocated for safer gun laws in PA. Through an online viral campaign and hard copy petitions, over 14,000 signatures were obtained. Those petitions were emailed and mailed to PA representatives and senators.
In 2010, Moms Against Guns merged with the largest gun violence prevention organization in Pennsylvania – CeaseFirePA – in order to build a stronger force in the state.
Today, Moms Against Illegal Guns works with the CeaseFirePA website and advocacy activities. Lynne Honickman is now the vice president of the CeaseFire PA's board of directors. Max Nochman is the newly appointed Executive Director along with Dan Muroff, the newly elected President of the Board. The leadership of the latter two, as with past President, Phil Goldsmith, is golden.
Please join us at the CeaseFirePA website. You will find us under Partners.