Connelly House
Connelly House provides permanent affordable housing for formerly homeless men and women. Located in the center of Philadelphia's business district at 13th and Market Streets, the eight-story, 63,000 square-feet building consists of 79 single resident units and features a multi-purpose room, a laundry room, an exercise room, multiple kitchens, offices, storage and a lobby/reception area.
The environmentally-friendly building is LEED-certified, offering a green roof, highly insulated walls to improve thermal performance, a rainwater collection system for irrigation and non-potable use, and high-efficiency mechanical systems and lighting. Fifteen percent of materials for the facility were constructed using recycled content and 75% of all demolition materials were recycled. The project team has registered the facility for LEED Silver Certification, seeking points in all six categories: Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Material and Resources, Indoor Environmental Quality, and Innovation and Design Process.
In addition to serving as a living space, Connelly House also accommodates parish offices and a community room for Project H.O.M.E and Bethesda Project programs. The two parts of the building have separate entrances and are designed to operate independently. The residential component has direct street access and embodies many features and amenities often found in Center City apartment buildings.
Connelly House is a partnership between St. John the Evangelist Church, the Bethesda Project, and Project H.O.M.E. It is named in memory of the late John F. and Josephine C. Connelly, whose faith, vision and courage created the Connelly Foundation.