Harold A. Honickman Scholarship Awards
College Access Program
Through the College Access Program (CAP) at the Honickman Learning Center and Comcast Technology Labs, The Honickman Foundation provides scholarship opportunities for many of the students attending college.

The College Access Program is available to all participants in Project HOME's Teen Program. It is intended to prepare area high school students for college by providing SAT prep, tutoring, financial counseling, and scholarships. In addition to the academic preparation, another key component of the CAP program is the opportunity to network with current and past CAP students, internship opportunities and college campus visits. The support structure continues throughout the students' college careers as staff maintain contact to provide support and guidance, ensuring students stay focused and on track to graduate.
It's common for the students coming into the program to be interested in college, but many of them have little idea about how and where to begin the process. Others don't even think going to college is a reality.

Scholarship recipients for the 2016-2017 school year
In addition to the Harold A. Honickman Scholarship, The Honickman Foundation and Honickman Family award additional scholarships during the annual CAP Award Ceremony in July: The Honickman Foundation's "Link to the Future," the New Vision Trust's "Pay It Forward," and the Kate and Maurice Honickman Scholarships.
The College Access Program schedule is Monday through Friday from 3 pm to 6 pm, although student attendance depends upon their school roster schedules and extracurricular activities. On average, most students attend programming at least twice a week, but all participants are required to attend weekly academic seminars.